Jeep Specialist

Transmission Gasket Set

Ref: WO923301

Price VAT included


With T90 Transmission
Includes Front Bearing Retainer Gasket, Cover Gasket, Transmission To Transfer Case Gasket, and 5 Washer Gaskets
2 Washer Gaskets Are Used For The Bolts On The Oil Collector and 3 Are Used For The Input Retainer
Jeep CJ5 year 55-71
Jeep CJ6 year 55-71
Jeep CJ3B year 53-64
Jeep CJ3A year 49-53
Jeep CJ2A year 46-49
Willys M38A1 year 52-66
Willys M38 year 50-52
Pickup Truck year 46-64
Station Wagon year 46-64

Weight: 0.09 Kgr.

* Products specifications and prices may vary without advance notice and the only correct price is to be considered, that which is indicated by in the order confirmation.