Jeep Specialist

Performance Clutch Kit

Ref: 68045567ABR

Price VAT included


Custom-modified clutch kit
Approx. 30% higher transmittable torque than the original clutch kit.
Diameter: 280mm  
Number of Teeth: 10
Uprated Clutch Kit, custom-modified.- Transmittable torque about 30% higher than the OE clutch kit.
Contains reinforced SACHS clutch cover and uprated clutch disc with Performance clutch friction material.
- Approx. 30% higher transmittable torque compared to OE.
- Higher thermal resistance.
- Higher burst number of revolutions.
- Longer life span.
- Higher clamp load of the clutch cover.
- Start performance similar to OE.
- 1:1 replacement of the old clutch.
Technical Details.
Based on a new replacement clutch, your clutch kit will be custom modified by hand. - Made in Germany. The clutch disc will get a new high performance organic friction material with a reinforced layered clutch facing construction (Dry coating technology, non-asbestos and lead-free, elastomer / resin binder system, fiber glass reinforced, includes copper, filling materials and coefficient of friction modifiers).
Together with changing the leverage ratio of the clutch cover to increase the clamping force, this results in the desired characteristics of the modified clutch kit.
Higher Power Transmission
The fundamental advantage of this modified clutch kit compared to the ordinary replacement clutch results in a higher life span, higher transmittable torque and in a better thermal resistance. Perfect for tuned engines such as chiptuning as also for towing trailers, Offroad and so on. Very good starting comfort and burst resistance ensure a high suitability for daily use.
Typically applications include:
- Chip-Tuning, Turbocharger and supercharger modifications.
- Vehicles with maximum gross vehicle weight and according to high load
(towing service, campers, ambulance cars, etc.)
- Off Road Extrem.
- Towing trailers, commercial vehicle.

Weight: 15.4 Kgr.

On demand

* Products specifications and prices may vary without advance notice and the only correct price is to be considered, that which is indicated by in the order confirmation.